The game live changer. By Ochaka Ibrahim KYCTV, Nakawa. 30th July 2021. Kinawataka, Mbuya 1 settlement is a semi urban suburb located on the outskirts of Kampala. The settlement is geographically known as Nakawa Division which is one of the divisions that make up Kampala. The region also happens to be the most industrialized divisionContinue reading “KINAWATAKA SANITATION”

Kampala central community led-sanitation:

Slums are the most dreaded areas in any country, marked by poverty, diseases, low social status, an informal manner of life, poor sanitation, and significant unemployment, particularly among young people. Because of their status and classification, these areas are not only at risk of mortality, disease, crime, and violence for many residents, but they also constitute a threat to social unrest and national security.


We no longer see flying toilets in the region, and cleanliness has improved in our community since the sanitation facility is affordable and available throughout the day; we use a clean toilet and have easy access to safe water; individuals used to shower at night but now they may bathe whenever they want.

The untold journey of a community- led water and sanitation project in urban slum of Kanakulya settlement, Makindye Region.

Members of the community have embraced the notion of organizing into communal saving groups, which have bolstered a collective voice and attempts to address many of the settlements’ concerns

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